Speed Matters in AV System Cyber Security


In securing the systems in your meeting/conference spaces, and across your organization, speed is of vital importance.


Latency – Microseconds Matter

We continue to read stunning accounts of often hi-tech organizations who experience data breaches and often don’t realize it has happened for hours or even days after the incident. Whether you’re aiming to prevent orchestrated hacker attempts or DDoS attacks–or simply trying to identify and prevent viruses or malware on employee USB thumb drives or other BYOD devices from infecting your meeting room systems (and beyond) the performance speed of your security solution matters. Response time to identify and shut down threats needs to be measured in microseconds. Given the sophistication of modern black hats, if your system security solutions aren’t able to identify and shut down threats in fractions of a second it might already be too late.

User Experience

At a very basic, user experience level, if your team actually notices that your cyber security or anti-virus systems are running scans in the background on your devices, not only does it negatively affect their productivity, it might lead them to choose to bypass your solutions. Beyond that, if you notice your cyber security solution working in the background, it might simply mean that the system just doesn’t perform at speeds needed to keep your data safe.

Reactive vs. Proactive

When it comes to cyber security systems, many rely on databases of “known threats” which trigger a security response. Modern hackers and their sophisticated bots are continually morphing attacks into new varieties that don’t fit the profile of existing, known threats. A cyber security solution that relies only on known threats, or doesn’t update its threat profiles frequently enough is prone to fail.

Real-Time Reporting

The speed at which cyber security solutions identify and shut-down threats is just one part of the story. Particularly in meeting and collaboration systems which might not be regularly monitored by core IT service teams, waiting hours or even days to be notified of significant threat activity is unacceptable. Real-time reporting via dashboard and ticketing systems is imperative.